The Bakery Project
The Angel Projects Uganda is excited to introduce our
new volunteer… Danielle Clark!
Danielle is no stranger to Uganda as she has visited this region
many times and we feel so blessed to have her come and join
our project.
Danielle lives in Scotland and is currently finishing her undergrad degree. While on break from school she is selflessly taking her free time to come and introduce a wonderful new project to Kashija!
The Bakery Project!
Danielle is creating the Bakery Project from scratch (pun intended), teaching the women and girls how to bake cakes, bread, sweets etc., (can't wait to try the passion fruit cake)!
Her dedication and love for this project is also bringing a modern oven/stove to this village. She has researched and located all the supplies needed in local shops to keep this project self-sufficient long after she returns home; although she can definitely call The Angel Projects Uganda her second home!!
There is so much more to our latest Project Manager, not only is she a talented and creative baker, she is also an exquisite artist! Be on the lookout for new murals at The Angel Projects Uganda house.
We are thrilled that she is sharing her talents and love with us! Follow the growth in our village this August!
Danielle Clark and
Mzee Flugence,
the local blacksmith

The Stove Arrives

Sprinkles of Joy
The new bakery!